315-432-1045 [email protected]

Kickstart your career with our comprehensive real estate licensing course this July. Whether you prefer to join us in-person in our Syracuse classroom or connect live via Zoom, we offer the flexibility you need. The course runs from July 15th to July 26th, Monday through Friday, starting at 8:30 AM, with weekends free to relax.   

Dive into the required New York State curriculum with our engaging, interactive sessions and receive a 600-page hard copy textbook to enhance your learning experience. Experience the proven benefits of in-person learning in an interactive environment—perfect for grasping complex concepts and networking with peers.   

Enroll now for the regular price of $559, or register by June 3rd with the promo code JULY50 to save $50. Remember, in-person seats are limited—reserve your spot today and take your first step towards a lucrative real estate career in New York State!